Original Fantasy Stories

Original Fantasy Stories
Forever Knight Fan-Fic

I am now a published author.

The first four chapters of my novel WHITE FIRE are appearing as a series inNightstalkers: Land of Eternal Night.
My poem THE FAIRIE RING will be in one of the upcoming issues of the on-line magazine, Eternity.
And, one of my short stories, THE KNIGHT'S QUEST, will be in an issue of the on-line magazine, TimeWinder.

Some of the characters in the following stories are the property of the writers and creators of

I have discovered that it isn't safe to place your stories on the net if you want a publisher to pick them,
so these fanfics are the only ones that you will find. If you're interested in some of my other stories, e-mail me.

Moriah Moriah:The Intrinsic Protector Moriah:Coming of Age
Moriah:Redneck Revenge Moriah:Is Silence Really Golden?

Links to Literary Aide for the Aspiring Author
Agents, Publishers, and Publications.

Speculations:For Writers Who Want To Be Read
The Writer's Marketboard
Pegasus Publishing Home Page
The Screenwriter's Nebula Drive
A Practical Guide for HTML Publishing and Resources

If you like vampires, werewolves, and other creatures
who go bump in the night you might check out this page.
Just click on the picture.
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