If you have arrived on this page, either someone thinks YOU are special enough to receive a warm fuzzy hug or you decided that you needed one. The little fuzzies just love to hug and smile. You will rarely find one with a frown. Do you know someone who has had a bad day? Did their cat chase their dog up a tree? Did their car tell them that it was on strike? Did the fried eggs talk back to them this morning? They may need a warm fuzzy hug, here's the place to get one. Just give them this URL for their special hug.
These fuzzies courtesy of Jamie Melody Randell and her Warm Fuzzies!
There are several different types of Fuzzies, so it should not be too difficult to match the Fuzzies to the person who needs them.
Warm Fuzzies are just that, warm fuzzy creatures and are for people who just need a warm fuzzy hug. Click on the image to the left.
Baby Fuzzies are playful and like to tickle. They are perfect for the person who needs to laugh. Click on the image to the left.
Hot Fuzzies are for the lover in all of us. Click on the image to the left.
Cool Fuzzies are for the lover in all of us. Click on the image to the left.
Strange Fuzzies are for those times when you want to break away from the norm. Click on the image to the left.
Weird Fuzzies are for those times when strange is not enough. Click on the image to the left.
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